Health News

How to Select an Orthopaedic Surgeon

Orthopaedic surgery is associated with diagnosing, treating and preventing musculoskeletal disorders that span a range of conditions. Some examples are fractures, sprains and degenerative joint diseases. Whether you are dealing with minor or major orthopaedic issues, it is important to select an orthopaedic surgeon for your care so that you can improve your quality of life.

Your primary healthcare provider can also refer you to a specialist in orthopaedic surgery Melbourne. They will have a good idea of your medical history and be able to recommend you an orthopaedic surgeon. But if you are searching for a surgeon or verifying the details of a recommended surgeon, the first thing you need to check is whether they are board certified. A board certified surgeon will have completed all the training and exams that are necessary in order to practice orthopaedic surgery. And you can be assured that they are up to date with latest techniques in the field. They will be able to come up with solutions to suit your requirements as they have a good understanding of the innovations and advancements in the field of orthopaedics.     You also need to consider where your pain is and whether you already have an idea of what your condition is as informed by your primary healthcare provider. There are certain orthopaedic surgeons that will specialise in certain conditions such as hip and knee issues. There are also orthopaedic surgeons that specialise in sports medicine.

Once you have checked whether the surgeon is board certified, you need to consider the nature of experience they have. You need to select a surgeon that has performed the procedure that you need multiple times with a proven track record and success rate. You can search for orthopaedic surgeons in your local area and see whether they specialise in the procedure that you are looking for. You can also contact the office or the customer support centre to get an idea of the amount of experience the orthopaedic surgeon has. You may also be able to contact the surgeon themselves and you will be able to go in for an initial consultation. Here, you need to ask them about their experience when it comes to the specific procedure and the complications that have come across regarding it. If they have a lot of experience in the area you are looking for, you will be able to have a good assurance about their skills.

In addition to their skills and experience, it is good to select an orthopaedic surgeon that communicates well. You will need to have a good doctor patient relationship as you will be working closely with the doctor when it comes to treatment. There may be a long recovery road depending on the type of procedure you will need. It is easier to work with a doctor that explains the procedure to you in a way you can understand and gives you a realistic view of what you can expect. They should be able to answer your questions honestly and let you know whether your goals for treatment can be achieved within the time you have in mind.

Stefania Booker
the authorStefania Booker